Supplier Partner Selection and Review Process
The single most important thing we look at when reviewing potential supplier partners is mission fit. The Mission of SIPA is to provide efficient and effective services for residents through the use of modern business practices and innovative technology solutions.
The process is phase-gated where potential supplier partners must meet the criteria of each gate to move forward to the next gate in the process. During the review process, sometimes suppliers may move backwards between gates, or collaboration between gate owners is required to ensure alignment, or to address questions that come up through the process. Once a supplier has signed our Master Service Agreement there will be follow-on meetings with the accounting, operations, sales and marketing teams.
Questions about this process can be sent to sipa@cosipa.gov.
Prospective Supplier Interest
Complete the below application to be considered as a prospective supplier. If SIPA is looking for this type of solution, someone will reach out for additional information.