Resources Offered by SIPA



For government, cybersecurity isn't only a challenge--it's a large obstacle threatening digital transformation. Governments store sensitive and personally identifiable information, and in small rural government organizations with fewer resources, this can mean it's on older, more vulnerable systems. SIPA strives to be a resource for your cybersecurity needs by partnering with suppliers who can assist in strengthening your security, and by sharing valuable resources for your staff and constituents.

Learn More About Cybersecurity

Digital Accessibility

All sites on the Colorado.gov platform are accessible for the commonly recognized accessibility features such as color contrast; the ability to use big buttons for links; keyboard navigation; and support of logical header structure to name a few. We work very closely with OIT to deploy changes to our platform to address accessibility issues or the needs of our customers.

Learn More About Digital Accessibility

Webinar Wednesday

Welcome to #WebinarWednesday where presentations by our many partners offers more in-depth information about the valuation services SIPA can help provide government organizations and their constituents.

Learn More About #WebinarWednesday