SIPA's 12th Annual User Conference is September 23rd - Learn more and register!




HB21-1110: Colorado Laws For Persons With Disabilities

House Bill:
Final Adopted Technology Accessibility Rules - February 23, 2024
Plain Language Guide to the State Technology Accessibility Rules
Technology Accessibility Rules Summary of Changes 2/23/24
Grace Period Noncompliance Digital Accessibility HB 24-2454

SIPA is following the State of Colorado's Technology Accessibility Guidelines 

All sites on the platform are accessible for the commonly recognized accessibility features such as color contrast; the ability to use big buttons for links; keyboard navigation; and support of logical header structure to name a few. We work very closely with OIT to deploy changes to our platform to address accessibility issues or the needs of our customers. We've been in partnership with OIT on this effort since 2018 or so.

OIT Technology Accessibility Program
The Technology Accessibility Program (TAP) was created to help state agencies to provide equal access to state services, programs or activities. OIT, through TAP, gives state agencies tools and resources to implement up-to-date accessibility best practices such as:

OIT Accessibility How-to Guides

Plain Language
Accessible PDFs and Documents
Page Structure
Accessible Meetings Checklist
Creating an accessible Google Doc
Creating an accessible PDF from a Google Doc
Accessible Google Slides presentations
Creating an accessible PDF from a Google Slides

OIT helps agencies take the first steps toward improving their services’ accessibility now, and keeping up to date with best practices as they continue to evolve.

Contact the Technology Accessibility Program in the Governor's Office of Information Technology at!

OIT May 2024 Newsletter
OIT Newsletter Archive

Tyler Colorado tutorials for making your content accessible:

Adobe Acrobat tutorial for making PDFs accessible:

SiteImprove tutorial

Other How-To Guides
How to use transcripts and captions in Google Meet
Make your Microsoft Word documents accessible
Make your Microsoft Powerpoint presentations accessible

More resources: 
The WC3 Alt Text Decision Tree
WebAIM’s Helpful Techniques for Alt Text

Image of a government building with accessibility icons surrounding it and text reading digital accessibility