You are an eligible government entity (EGE) if you are a Colorado state or local government, special district, public K-12 education institution or public university.
An EGE Agreement, also known as an intergovernmental agreement, is necessary to procure products and services or apply for a SIPA Grant. SIPA requires any Colorado government wanting to work with SIPA to have an EGE Agreement on file.
The agreement:
- Is cooperative that states services can be provided at the discretion of both Parties.
- Lays the foundation to provide digital government service or other technology products and services at the discretion of the entity (your organization).
- Is not a commitment to procure any funds, products or services.
- Ensures mutually agreed upon Task Orders, Statements of Work, Work Orders, or other documentation be signed by SIPA and the entity before projects begin.
- Each Party has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the other Party 10 days' written notice.
Ready to get started?
Please email sarah@cosipa.gov and she will send the agreement through DocuSign to the authorized signer for your organization. Please contact us with any questions.